Things to Remember while Dating Someone with Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a natural part of life. Humans are designed to experience some level of anxiety on a regular basis.

Similar to stress, a healthy dose of anxiety motivates us to perform to the best of our abilities, whether it's preparing for a test or interview, visiting the doctor on a regular basis, or considering a significant life decision.

We all experience anxiety occasionally. But it's temporary and situational for the vast majority of us. But when fear or strong physical responses appear alongside anxiety, it develops into anxiety disorders.

According to surveys and sources, anxiety affects 19% of adults each year, and the symptoms can interfere with daily activities like work performance, schoolwork, and relationships.

Anxiety disorders come in many different forms. They include conditions related to phobias as well as a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). In many of these situations, it can be simple to see how the condition affects a person, particularly if it's connected to PTSD or OCD. At Lifeworks mental health clinic, you can schedule a consultation with the best psychologist in Dubai for your counseling.

However, if you are living with a partner who suffers from anxiety and panic disorders, here are a few things you might have to hear on a daily basis:

1.   “I don't just worry a lot”

Living with high-functioning anxiety is probably similar to living with other conditions, but anxiety has the disadvantage of not being visible. Your partner may express their worry, but you might frequently confuse it with their personality. Please keep in mind that they are battling an illness.

“I had no idea that anxiety was a medical condition that could be treated. Growing up, I was told that I was a "baby" who cried over strange things. I believe that because of my high level of functioning, my anxiety frequently manifests as annoyance, rage, and frustration.” - that’s what one of the clients of the best psychiatrist in Dubai said.

2.   “You Cannot Deny the Presence of My Illness Simply Because You Cannot See It”

“The fact that other people, including my family and friends, readily excuse the times my anxiety is causing me problems because I 'don't seem to have anything wrong' with me is one of the things I struggle with the most as a person with high-functioning anxiety. Overthinking causes me to still have restless nights and a lack of sleep. Every day, I continue to learn what a "normal" person should do in various circumstances. Speaking about it when you don't seem to be suffering is much more difficult.”  said one of LifeWorks's patients dealing with anxiety disorders.

So, if your partner is complaining that you don’t understand their problems, a psychiatrist at Lifeworks will.

3.   “I can't just snap out of it”

There are days when an anxious patient feels like a science experiment, trying many remedies, hoping one of them will make life normal again. Sometimes the medication works for a while and then stops. It’s very important to find the exact therapy that works for your partner. Every patient differs from one other and the single therapy doesn’t work for all.

Please understand that an anxious patient can’t just snap out of the condition without any therapist’s help. Therefore, make sure your partner receives the proper treatment from the best psychologist in Dubai. 


4.   “A Good Day for Me is Deliberate, Not Natural”

"A good day for me is when I don't check my phone right away when I wake up. I wait until I've meditated on the back porch for 10 to 15 minutes. A good day is when I arrive at work on time, don't feel the need to apologize for a million minor infractions that no one else notices, and don't lock myself in the bathroom stall at work for three minutes of silence. I get home, spend time with my wife and children, eat dinner, and then sleep for five to six hours. That's a fantastic day." — said an anxiety patient at Lifeworks.

5.   “But Bad Days are Normal for Me”

For people with anxiety disorders, nameless fear is part of what makes a bad day. Your partner is scared, but they are not sure why or what's causing it. It has nothing to do with logic. One can simply feel scared, worried, and anxious about something they can't put their finger on. It's difficult to recover from this, and it happens to an anxious person quite frequently. Bad days are when one is scared, doesn't know why, and has nothing to do but take meds and hope.

Panic attacks, terror, obsessive anxious thoughts, inability to relax for long periods of time: that is the human mind, in a constant state of anxiety. So, if your partner complains about experiencing similar things, you just need the guidance and advice of the best psychiatrist in Dubai.


Never judge a book by its cover! If you think or know that your partner suffers from anxiety disorders you need to take them seriously. Consult the experts of LifeWorks and visit to book a slot. 


LifeWorks Holistic Counselling Centre - Mental Health Clinic Dubai
1230 Umm Sequim 2, Al Wasl Road, Bahwan Villas, PO Box 215054, Dubai, UAE
971 54 400 2698


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