Things to Remember while Dating Someone with Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety is a natural part of life. Humans are designed to experience some level of anxiety on a regular basis. Similar to stress, a healthy dose of anxiety motivates us to perform to the best of our abilities, whether it's preparing for a test or interview, visiting the doctor on a regular basis, or considering a significant life decision. We all experience anxiety occasionally. But it's temporary and situational for the vast majority of us. But when fear or strong physical responses appear alongside anxiety, it develops into anxiety disorders . According to surveys and sources, anxiety affects 19% of adults each year, and the symptoms can interfere with daily activities like work performance, schoolwork, and relationships. Anxiety disorders come in many different forms. They include conditions related to phobias as well as a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). In many of these situations, it can be simple to see how the condition affects a person, particularly if it'...